By combining the optical microscope with a transparent microsphere Professor Lin Li and Dr Zengbo Wang have created the most powerful microscope,which they dubbed the 'microsphere nanascope'. The microsphere nanacsope will allow scientist to see objects up to 50 nanametres or 5 X 10-8m under normal light.

Amos Winter and his team at MIT built a wheelchair that gives its user the ability to travel in all terrains like mud and sand all for under $200. The wheelchair is called the Leveraged Freedom Chair which uses levers to change the speed of the wheelchair like a mountain bike.

Throwing water bottles into the recycling bin doesn’t begin to address the massive quantity of postconsumer plastic that ends up in landfills and the ocean. Because it’s so difficult to separate the various kinds of plastics – up to 20 kinds per product – that make up our computers, cell phones, cars and home appliances, only a small fraction of plastics from complex waste streams are recycled, while the rest is tossed.Less than 10% of plastic trash is recycled -- compared to almost 90% of metals -- because of the massively complicated problem of finding and sorting the different kinds. 

Many of society’s most devastating diseases -- cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, to name a few -- share a common denominator: faulty angiogenesis, the body’s growth of new capillary blood vessels. Given excessive or insufficient blood vessel growth, serious health issues arise. While researching under Harvard surgeon Judah Folkman, who pioneered the study of angiogenesis, Li learned how angiogenesis-based medicine helps patients overcome numerous diseases by restoring the balance of blood-vessel growth.

Edry grew up in Paris, France, and has lived in Israel since 1989. He teaches Visual Communication at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and is the author of several graphic novels. He is also the owner and founder of "Pushpin," a prep school for art and design.

Ronny Edry is a graphic designer, teacher, father and frequent Facebook updater. In March of 2012 one of his images garnered international attention. The image showed himself and his daughter, along with the words “Iranians, we will never bomb your country. We heart you.” The image became a catalyst for dialogue between the people of two nations on the brink of war.

Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor
From the years of 1953-1954 and 1963-1965 The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri. For several years they were exposed to radioactive compounds said a researcher by the name of  Professor Martino-Taylor .

Dark Matter Simulation
Dark matter is one of the most mysterious puzzles stumping even the smartest of scientist in the world.

In Zuric at the  Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University one of the most advanced humanoid robots will be created named Roboy.

Physicists have found that a new powerful tool they call 'Wigner flow' is the quantum analog of phase space flow. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Hertfordshire)
Three UK-based physicist Ole Steuernagel, Dimitris Kakofengitis ,and Georg Ritter
have found what they call a powerful tool called the Wigner flow or the quantum
analogue of space flow.

Mercury's North Polar Region Acquired By The Arecibo Observatory
Observations by the MESSENGER craft has provided compelling support for the
hypothesis that Mercury harbors abundant water ice and frozen volatile and
organic materials in its shadowed polar craters.