Edry grew up in Paris, France, and has lived in Israel since 1989. He teaches Visual Communication at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and is the author of several graphic novels. He is also the owner and founder of "Pushpin," a prep school for art and design.

Ronny Edry is a graphic designer, teacher, father and frequent Facebook updater. In March of 2012 one of his images garnered international attention. The image showed himself and his daughter, along with the words “Iranians, we will never bomb your country. We heart you.” The image became a catalyst for dialogue between the people of two nations on the brink of war.

"My idea was simple, I was trying to reach the other side. There are all these talks about war, Iran is coming to bomb us and we bomb them back, we are sitting and waiting. I wanted to say the simple words that this war is crazy," said Edry.y

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